Table 6.
Results of the Joint Mediation Model
Effect | Estimate | p | 95% CI |
Effect of intervention on hostile-attribution bias | −0.21 | .05 | — |
Effect of intervention on competent response generation | 0.23 | .001 | — |
Effect of intervention on aggressive response evaluation | −0.15 | .06 | — |
Unique effect of hostile-attribution bias on antisocial behavior | 0.07 | .17 | — |
Unique effect of response generation on antisocial behavior | −0.09 | .07 | — |
Unique effect of response evaluation on antisocial behavior | 0.07 | .12 | — |
Direct effect of intervention on antisocial behavior, after mediators | −0.12 | .08 | — |
Joint indirect effect | −0.05 | .05 | [−0.10, −0.01] |
Ratio of indirect to total effect | 0.27 | .05 | [0.05, 1.00] |
Note: The structural-equation-model fit indices for the joint mediator model were as follows: χ2 = 421.16; root-mean-square error of approximation = .026; confirmatory fit index = .969. CI = confidence interval.