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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Neurol Phys Ther. 2013 Mar;37(1):27–36. doi: 10.1097/NPT.0b013e318283de0d

Table 3.

Sensorimotor Training Tasks

Task Description
Weighted Eggs Sort plastic eggs filled with 1, 2, or 3 oz weights and place into egg carton.
Weighted balloons Sort balloons filled with flour by either grasping whole balloon with gross grasp or with pincer grasp on knot of balloon. 1 or 2 oz difference in weight can be used.
Plastic Ice Cubes Frozen and room temperature plastic ice cubes are sorted by temperature with vision occluded. Cubes are removed individually from one container and placed in separate containers.
Immersion bath Fill 2 tubs with water of equal amounts, one warm, one cold. Discriminate temperature by submerging arm, hand or finger. Confirm temperature with other hand.
Hot pack / Cold pack Select pack of certain temperature from within a bag with multiple packs of varying temperature (warm, room, cold). Remove pack and place on table.
Fabric Texture discrimination Match to sample with wooden 3 × 3 × ½ inch tiles covered with textured fabrics (20 total with 2 of each fabric). Matching can be to visual presentation with the match objects behind a curtain or by comparison of match objects between the paretic and non-paretic hands, vision occluded. Can vary the number of choice tiles per trial.
Texture dowels Wooden dowels with center openings are created with different thickness and/or different textures. Create a target object with 3 dowels on a rod. After manual exploration, participant is asked to recreate the same pattern on another rod. Dowel widths and textures can be varied.
Textured peg board Create peg board with large pegs (3″×1 ½″). Cover bottom of peg holes and top of pegs with textures. Place pegboard on table and pegs behind curtain. With vision or touch of pegboard, select correct peg from behind curtain through manual manipulation.
Beans and Therapeutic putty Hide beans within a ball of putty. Remove beans and place in container. Vision may be occluded.
Clay modeling Create simple shape out of clay; participant manually explores object behind curtain and then recreates the shape with his/her clay in front of the curtain.
Lego™ Rebuilding Trainer constructs an object of Legos that is manipulated behind a curtain; reconstruction of the object is completed on the visualized side of the curtain. Can alter the number, orientation and size of blocks used.
Silverware sorting Silverware is laid out behind curtain. Identification is made via manual exploration and then sorted into a silverware holder on the visualized side of the curtain.
Stereognosis A variety of household objects are placed behind a curtain. Manual exploration is used to identify objects.
Dominoes Place dominoes in a bag. Play a standard game of dominoes; the participant must find the right match by manual exploration of the dots on the dominoes within the bag.
Magnetic letters Place magnetic letters in a bag sufficient to spell a word. Letters must be pulled from bag and placed on card with a word written on it. Extra letters can be included to increase difficulty.
Wooden alphabet blocks Wooden blocks with letters engraved in the sides are placed in a bag. Manual manipulation is used to find a target block. Blocks are stacked as they’re removed.
Geometric puzzle Wooden geometric shapes are placed in a bag. A geometric puzzle diagram is placed on the table. Targeted shapes are manually identified and placed on the puzzle diagram.
Puzzle edges Puzzle pieces are placed in a bag. Individually, all of the edge pieces are manually removed and placed on the table. They can be connected to shape the border of the puzzle.
Shape sorting Using a standard infant shape sorter, place shapes in a bag and have a targeted shape manually retrieved from the bag and placed in the sorter.
Byl-Chenai With vision occluded, a finger is used to feel a small Lucite block fitted with Brad nails that form a pattern. The perceived shape is visually matched to a printed sheet of shape options.
Perfection™ The shapes from the game Perfection are verbally identified and then retrieved from a bag and placed into the game board.
Stone / bean sorting Different sized stones/beans are placed in a bag. A given size is designated as the target. All stones / beans of matching size are retrieved from the bag.
Coin sorting Multiple coins are placed in a bag. A particular coin is designated and removed from the bag and placed in a bank.
Bottle caps Place caps from a variety of plastic bottles of different sizes in a bag. The participant manually explores and identifies the appropriate cap for a designated bottle and then places it on the bottle.
Nuts and bolts A board, fitted with various-sized bolts and matching nuts is placed behind a curtain. Through manual exploration each nut is removed and placed in a bowl; nuts are then screwed back onto the bolts behind the curtain.