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. 2013 Jul 29;8(7):e70146. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070146

Table 1. Genes significantly differentially expressed in shn11D plants 72 h post- inoculation with B. cinerea (FC >2; P<0.05).

ATG FC Gene Description ATG FC Gene Description
Hormone signaling Redox state
Auxin AT1G32350 62.7 AOX1D (Alternative oxidase 1)
AT4G37390 18.3 YDK1/YADOKARI1/GH32 encodes an IAA-amido synthas AT2G29350 32.9 SAG13 (SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED GENE 13)
AT3G25290 9.5 auxin-responsive family protein AT1G28480 13.5 GRXC9 (glutaredoxin family protein )
AT1G28130 4.3 GH3.17 encodes an IAA-amido synthase AT1G03850 8.6 GRXS13 (glutaredoxin family protein )
AT3G22850 3.6 similar to auxin down-regulated protein ARG10 AT3G28850 4.4 glutaredoxin family protein
AT5G13370 3.3 auxin-responsive family protein AT3G19010 3.6 oxidoreductase,2OG-Fe(II)
AT2G37980 3.2 similar to Auxin induced axi 1 AT1G45145 2.9 ATTRX5 (Thioredoxin H-Type 5)
Brasinosteroids Peroxidases
AT1G74360 17 similar to BRL1(BRI1 LIKE) AT5G05340 34.5 PER52 (Peroxidase52 precursor)
AT3G13380 7.1 BRL3(BRI1-LIKE3) AT3G49120 8.9 PERX34(Peroxidase 34precursor)
ABA AT5G06720 7.5 Identical to Peroxidase53 precursor (PER53)
AT1G02590 3.2 aldehyde oxidase AT4G36430 7.2 PER49 (Peroxidase 49 precursor)
AT4G26080 3.1 ABI1 (ABA INSENSITIVE1) AT5G19880 5.2 PER 58 (Peroxidase 58 precursor)
Ethylene AT5G64100 3.8 PER69 (Peroxidase 69 precursor)
AT1G01480 19 ACS (ACC synthase gene family) AT1G07890 3.8 APX1/MEEA6 (ASCORBATE PEROXIDASE1)
AT4G37150 16.7 esterase AT4G37530 3.4 Identical to Peroxidase 51 precursor (PER51)
AT3G50260 4.8 AtERF11/CEJ1 (regulated by Ethylene and jasmonate) Glutathion-S-transferases
Proteolysis AT1G69930 53.1 AtGSTU11(Glutathione S-transferase, class tau11)
AT3G50930 11.8 AAA-type ATPase family protein AT2G29470 30.7 AtGSTU3 (GlutathioneS-transferase 21)
AT5G67340 8.6 armadillo/beta-catenin repeat family protein AT2G29460 28.6 AtGSTU4 (GlutathioneS-transferase 22)
AT2G38860 7.6 YLS5 (yellow-leaf-specific gene5) AT1G17180 23.3 AtGSTU25 (GlutathioneS-transferase, class tau 25)
AT2G42360 6.5 Zinc finger(C3HC4-type)family protein Identical to ATL2L β-glucanase
AT1G44130 6.2 nucellin protein, putative;aspartic-type endopeptidase AT3G04010 3.9 glycosyl hydrolase family 17protein
AT5G63970 4.3 similar to copine-related PR proteins
AT5G45890 4.3 SAG12(SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATEDGENE 12 AT3G04320 14.1 endo peptidase inhibitor
AT5G41400 3.8 Zinc finger(C3HC4-type )family protein AT1G02360 8.2 chitinase
AT5G57480 3.4 AAA-type ATPase family protein AT3G23110 6.7 disease resistance family protein
AT1G08050 3.4 Zinc finger(C3HC4-type)family protein AT1G55210 6.1 disease resistance response
AT1G76390 3.1 armadillo/beta-catenin repeat family protein AT3G54420 5.7 ATEP3 (chitinase class IV)
AT2G45040 3.1 matrix metallo-proteinase AT1G22900 3.8 disease resistance family protein
AT1G71400 3.6 disease resistance family protein/LRR family protein
Cell wall Secondary metabolism
AT5G62150 22.9 peptidoglycan-binding LysM domain-containing protein
AT3G09410 19 pectin acetyl esterase family protein AT3G26830 67.6 PAD3 (PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 3)(CYP450 71B15)
AT4G18990 6.5 AtXTH29 (xyloglucosyl transferase) AT4G37990 8.6 ELI32(ELICITOR-ACTIVATED GENE3)
Tabl1 cont.
Cell wall cont. Secondary metabolism cont.
Pathogen/pest attack signaling AT1G51680 5.9 4CL1(4-COUMARATECOA LIGASE 1)
AT5G64905 52 PROPEP3 (Elicitor peptide 3 precursor) AT2G36800/AT2G36790 5.8 UGT73C6(UDP-glucosyl transferase73C6)
AT3G01830 23.9 calmodulin-related protein, putative AT5G49690 5.4 UDP-glucosyl transferase family protein
AT5G11210 18.3 AtGLR2.5 (glutamate receptor 2.5) AT3G51440 4.8 strictosidine synthase family protein
AT3G46280 12.1 protein kinase-related AT5G63600 4.6 flavonol synthase, putative
AT5G01550 10.9 lectin protein kinase, putative AT5G39050 4.6 transferase family protein
AT2G39200 9.6 MLO12 (MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O12) AT3G50280 4.4 transferase family protein
AT3G09010 7.4 Protein kinase family protein AT2G18950 4.3 HPT1(HOMO GENTISATEPHYTYL TRANSFERASE 1)
AT5G25930 7.2 leucine-rich repeat family protein/protein kinase family AT5G48180 4.3 NSP5 (nitrile-specifier protein)
AT5G26920 6.9 calmodulin binding protein AT2G30490 3.8 ATC4H (CINNAMATE4-HYDROXYLASE) (CYP450 73A5)
AT5G38250 6 serine/threonine protein kinase, putative AT4G34230 3.7 CAD5 (CINNAMYL ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE 5)
AT4G23140 5.9 CRK6(CYSTEINE-RICH RLK6) AT3G51430 3.1 YLS2(yellow-leaf-specific gene2)
AT1G70690 5.7 kinase-related Transcription factors
AT4G21380 4.9 ARK3(Arabidopsis Receptor Kinase3) AT3G23250 15.6 AtMYB15/AtY19
AT5G06740 4.7 lectin protein kinase family AT3G50260 4.7 ERF/AP2
AT4G23150 4.3 similsr to protein kinase family protein AT1G48000 3.3 MYB112
AT3G54950 3.8 PLAIIIA/PLP7 (PATATIN-LIKE PROTEIN 7) AT1G22190 3.2 AP2 domain-containing transcription factor, putative
AT1G66880 3.8 serine/threonine protein kinase family AT5G65210 3 TGA1
AT3G47090 3.2 leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase, putative Abiotic stress
AT2G39660 3 BIK1 (botrytis induce kinase 1) AT4G36990 7.2 HSF4 (HEAT SHOCK FACTOR 4)
AT2G25470 2.7 leucine-rich repeat family protein AT2G21620 3.6 RD2 (RESPONSIVE TO DESSICATION 2)

Shown genes related to detoxification, secondary metabolism, and stress responses that were upregulated greater than twofold 72 h after Botrytis cinerea infection. Microarray data are derived from two biologically independent experiments; details are given in Supplemental Table 1and 2 online.