Table 5. Serum chemical parameters of growing pigs fed with diets containing DON-contaminated corn (n = 6).
Item | Non-toxin | Toxin control | Arginine | Glutamine | Arg+Glu | P |
GLU (mmol/L) | 7.93±0.94 | 7.42±0.59 | 7.85±0.85 | 7.28±0.93 | 7.64±0.88 | 0.6413 |
BUN (mmol/L) | 5.28±0.51a | 6.82±0.72b | 6.18±0.64ab | 6.35±0.7ab | 6.61±0.64b | 0.0039 |
ALB(g/L) | 35.16±3.46a | 28.95±3.21ab | 27.78±3.12b | 32.72±3.55ab | 30.7±4.26ab | 0.0101 |
CRE (µmol/L) | 48.23±5.75 | 53.39±8.70 | 59.73±6.85 | 54.81±7.10 | 51.38±5.29 | 0.0834 |
ALP (U/L) | 742.3±34.3bc | 938.6±98.3a | 863.7±64.1ab | 790.7±83.4bc | 709.3±79.5c | 0.001 |
ALT(U/L) | 56.67±7.23a | 80.92±7.38b | 70.83±6.18b | 80.17±6.84b | 73.67±7.27b | <0.001 |
AST(U/L) | 93.47±8.94d | 133.84±10.63a | 115.21±9.38bc | 129.76±8.23ab | 109.84±8.47c | <0.001 |
Results are expressed as means ± SEM for six animals.Values within a row sharing different superscript letters differ (P<0.05).