Subendocardial fiber and radial strain time courses from experiment and a dog-specific computational model. Fiber (A) and radial strains (B) measured at the subendocardium of the anterolateral left ventricle are shown for one animal (EXP dog 6, left) and in a dog-specific computational model (MODEL, right) of the same animal. Early activation with anterior apical pacing of the left ventricular subepicardium (EARLY-AAPEX, top) and late activation with posterior basal near coronary sinus pacing (LATE-PCS, bottom) produced marked differences in fiber and radial strain time courses in experiment and a dog-specific model. Note the qualitative agreement between experiment and baseline model strain values and quantitative agreement regarding onset of fiber shortening and relengthening. EXP, experiment; AAPEX, anterior apical pacing; PCS, posterior basal near coronary sinus pacing.