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. 2013 Jul 15;2013:812029. doi: 10.1155/2013/812029

Table 4.

Mechanisms leading to autoantibody-induced tissue injury in EBA.

Mechanism Demonstrated by Reference
Anti-COL7 IgG/A binding Detection of anti-COL7 antibodies in patients, vast in vitro and in vivo (animal models) evidence [125]
Genetic control Diverse susceptibility of different inbred mouse lines [66]
Neutrophils Anti-Gr1 treatment completely protects from antibody transfer-induced EBA [126]
Fc-fragment mediated effects (i) Anti-COL7 IgG, but not corresponding F(ab)2 fragments, induces EBA in vitro and in vivo
(ii) Anti-COL7 IgY fails to induce experimental EBA in mice
(iii) Enzymatic removal of terminal sugar residues has preventive and therapeutic effects in experimental EBA in mice
[44, 60, 64, 104, 113]

(a) CXCL1 and CXCL2 Blockade of the receptors has preventive and therapeutic effects in experimental EBA in mice [127]
(b) GM-CSF Genetic and pharmacological GM-CSF inhibition has preventive and therapeutic effects in experimental EBA in mice [128]
(c) IL-6 IL-6 has anti-inflammatory effects in antibody transfer-induced EBA; IL-6 induced IL-1ra, which in turn counteracts proinflammatory events triggered by IL-1 [123]

Complement activation C5-deficient mice are completely protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA; partial protection is observed in C1q-, Factor B-, or C5aR-deficient mice [44, 129, 130]

Leukocyte extravasation CD18-deficient mice are completely protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [126]

Fc gamma RIIB Fc gamma RIIB-deficient mice show a significantly increased cutaneous blistering in antibody transfer-induced EBA [124]

Fc gamma RIV Fc gamma RIV-deficient mice are completely protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [124]

Neutrophil activation
(a) PI3K beta PI3K beta-deficient mice are partially protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [61]
(b) AKT AKT impairs ROS released from immune omplex activated neutrophils [131]
(c) p38 Pharmacologic inhibition of p38 phosphorylation partially protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [131]
(d) ERK1/2 Pharmacologic inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation partially protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [131]

ROS Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1-deficient mice are completely protected from antibody transfer-induced EBA [126]

Elastase/Gelatinase B Blockade of elastase or gelatinase B completely blocks dermal-epidermal separation [132]

Flii Overexpression of Flightless I (Flii) increases dermal-epidermal blistering in antibody transfer-induced EBA, and blockade of Flii improves blistering [133, 134]