Brca1-deficient pMECs can regenerate a functional mammary gland but have a limited lifespan in vivo. (A) Breeding strategy used to obtain B1f/fLucf/+, KLucf/+, and KB1f/fLucf/+ animals used for in vivo fat pad transplantation assays. pMECs isolated from B1f/fLucf/+, KLucf/+, and KB1f/fLucf/+ donor mice were transplanted in 21-wk-old recipient mice to generate outgrowths. (B) In vivo Luc activity in outgrowths derived from B1f/fLucf/+ (mouse 1 as negative control), KLucf/+ (mice 2 and 8 as positive controls), and KB1f/fLucf/+ (mice 3–7) pMECs at 4 and 24 wk after transplantation. (C) Quantitation of Luc activity shown in B using Living Image 3.0 software. (D) qPCR of Brca1 WT allele with genomic DNA from pMECs isolated from KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ 4-wk outgrowths. (E) Immunohistochemical staining of 4-wk KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ outgrowths with anti-Luc and anti-CK14 Abs. Phase-contrast images of the same glands are shown below. (F) Whole-mount staining of KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ 4-wk outgrowths. Terminal end buds are shown at higher magnification. (G) Hematoxylin-eosin staining of KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ outgrowths at 24 wk after transplantation. Data are representative of 10 outgrowths examined per genotype. Bars: (E) 16 µm; (F and G) 50 µm. (H and I) RT-PCR analysis of p16/INK4 (H) and p19/ARF (I) mRNA levels in KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ 8-wk outgrowths. (J) pMECs from KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ 8-wk outgrowths were stained with FITC-γH2AX and analyzed by flow cytometry. (K) p21/Cdkn1a mRNA levels in pMECs from KLucf/+ and KB1f/fLucf/+ 8-wk outgrowths. (C, D, and H–K) Data represent the mean ± SEM of n = 5 outgrowths of each genotype. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01.