Figure 2.
(a) DnaJ sequence, showing the J (grey), GF (blue) and C-terminal (green) domains, as well as the polyproline region and the deletion in the DnaJΔ108–114 mutant (red). (b) Structure of the isolated J/GF domain. The HPD motif and the polyproline region are shown as sticks. EPR spin-labelling and cross-linking sites (Thr18, Ser58, Ser86 and Glu95) are indicated. (c) Interface between the J and GF domains, showing the J-domain surface (coloured by atom type: C, grey; N, blue; O, red) and the GF-domain phenylalanines. All figures use the colour scheme in (a). (d) Stereo image showing the final refined 2mF o − DF c electron-density map of the 1.64 Å resolution DnaJTth114 structure at 1σ. As an example, the polyproline region (residues 75–80) of chain B is shown. All molecular-structure figures were prepared using PyMOL (DeLano, 2002 ▶)