The clathrin-binding box of AP-3 β1 is dispensable for AP-3–clathrin coisolation. Pearl (Ap3b1pe/pe) fibroblasts or Pearl fibroblasts rescued with full-length Ap3b1 (pβ3A), Ap3b1 containing a triple-alanine mutation in the clathrin box (pβ3A871AAA), a deletion of the clathrin box in Ap3b1 (pβ3AΔ 807-831), or a truncation of Ap3b1 eliminating the entire ear domain containing the clathrin box (pβ3A807Stop) were treated with the cross-linker DSP. Lysates were subjected to coimmunomagnetic isolations directed against AP-3 δ (lanes 1–10). All rescue lysates from DSP-treated cells show increased coisolation of clathrin heavy chain (immunoblot [IB]; clathrin lanes 4, 6, 8, and 10) compared with unrescued lysate treated with DSP (IB, clathrin lane 2). Input represents 5% of immunomagnetic isolation load (lanes 11–15).