Development of the endosperm and syncytium in Utricularia: a Longitudinal section through the placenta and seed of Utricularia intermedia showing the relationship between the different endosperm domains and the proembryo; nutritive tissue (NT), placenta (P), micropylar endosperm part (Mp), endosperm proper (ep), proembryo (Em), cuticle (ct), seed (s), chalazal endosperm part (Cp), bar = 100 μm. b, c The micropylar endosperm haustoria of Utricularia minor; nutritive tissue (NT), nucleolus (star), bar = 20 μm. d The chalazal endosperm haustorium of Utricularia minor; nutritive tissue (NT), nucleolus (star), bar = 20 μm. e Section through the Utricularia minor syncytium; syncytium (Syn), giant endosperm nucleus (N), nucleolus (star), nucleus from the nutritive tissue cell (n), nutritive tissue (Nt), bar = 20 μm