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. 2013 May 30;21(9):2609–2624. doi: 10.1007/s00520-013-1841-4

Table 1.

Individual studies investigating the analgesic effect of music-based interventions in either oncologic or palliative care settings

Author, year, type of study Study population Music intervention Control N, music group N, control group Results
Binns-Turner, 2008, RCTa [14] Breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy MM: single session of prerecorded music through headphones (continuously from preoperative through postoperative period). Patients could select from classical, easy listening, inspirational, or new age iPod and headphones but no music or sounds 15 15 Significant reduction in self-reported postop pain level by VAS (P = 0.007)
Danhauer et al., 2010, RCTa [15] Hematologic malignancy patients undergoing lumbar puncture MM: prerecorded music through headphones for duration of procedure. Patients could select from classical, harp, general instrumental, nature sounds, country, gospel, and jazz Standard care 29 30 No significant reduction in self-reported intra-procedural pain level by VAS (P = 0.771)
Huang, 2006, RCTa [16] Adult inpatients with various malignancies MM: single 30-min session of prerecorded music through headphones. Patients could select from Taiwanese folk, Buddhist, harp, and piano recordings Bed rest 62 64 Significant reduction in self-reported pain level by VAS (P < 0.001)
Nguyen et al., 2010, RCTa [17] Pediatric leukemia patients undergoing lumbar puncture MM: prerecorded music through headphones for duration of procedure. Patients could select from either traditional Vietnamese songs or children’s songs iPod and headphones but no music or sounds 20 20 Significant reduction in self-reported intra-procedural pain level by VAS (P < 0.001)
Yonghui et al., 2009, RCTa [18] Adult inpatients with various malignancies MM: single 30-min session of unspecified music with unspecified guided imagery Standard care 65 71 No significant reduction in self-reported pain detected by numeric rating scale (P > 0.05)
Gallagher, 2006, single-arm study Adults with a terminal illnessb in an inpatient palliative care setting MT: single session of varying length including live performance, listening to prerecorded music, and interactive techniques None 126 0 Significant reduction in self-reported pain by VAS, from mean score of 2.7 before the session to mean score of 2.1 after the session (P < 0.001)

MM music medicine, MT music therapy

aIncluded in 2011 Cochrane Review

bFor 90 % of the patients in this study, the terminal illness was cancer