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. 2007 Jun 30;4(2):93–100. doi: 10.3390/ijerph2007040002

Table 3:

Estimated Burden of Disease in Africa Relative to the Rest of the World, 1999

Items Africa Rest of the World Total
% Communicable disease 73.7% 32.1% 42.8%
% Non-Communicable disease 17.1% 52.4% 43.3%
% Injuries 9.2% 15.5% 13.9%

Source: United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Africa, Office of Sustainable Development (2003). The Health Sector Human Resource Crisis in Africa: An Issues Paper; Support for Analysis and Research in Africa (SARA) Project, Academy for Educational Development (AED) 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009, USA (3)