General barriers | Poor understanding of natural history and consequences of variceal hemorrhage |
Multiple etiologies of underlying portal hypertension in children | |
Undertaking diagnostic endoscopy under sedation or anesthesia within a research protocol with uncertain benefits for the individual child | |
No validation in children of scoring systems for the endoscopic appearance of varices | |
Expected high dropout rate from research protocol | |
Large sample size requirement | |
Barriers to a trial of β-blockers | Inadequate understanding of hemodynamic pathophysiology in children with portal hypertension |
Inadequate understanding of appropriate dosing of β-blockers in children with portal hypertension | |
Drug toxicity | |
Difficulty in maintaining double blinding | |
Requirement for regulatory approval | |
Funding from industry unlikely | |
Barriers to a trial of EVL | Poor acceptance of endoscopy by children and/or families, leading to low recruitment rate |
Poor compliance with repeat endoscopies | |
Inadequate knowledge of optimal schedule for follow-up EVL in children | |
Undertaking interventional endoscopy under sedation or anesthesia within a research protocol with uncertain benefits for the individual child | |
Impossible to maintain double blinding |
EVL = endoscopic variceal ligation.