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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Neurol. 2012 Aug 12;260(1):242–252. doi: 10.1007/s00415-012-6626-z

Table 1.

Patients (sorted by time from mTBI) demographics and imaging findings.

Patient Age/Gender TBI Cause GCS LOC duration1 Time from injury2 Self-reported symptoms on scan date3 MRI Findings
1 40/M Fall 15 3 3 NS, V Unremarkable
2 41/M Fall 15 <1 5 NS, H, D, S
3 42/M Fall 14 5 5 H, N, S, M
4 22/M Assault 13 30 6 NS, H, N, P
5 18/M Assault 15 20 10 None
6 25/M Assault 15 25 10 H Right frontal convexity arachnoid cyst
7 27/M Assault 15 <1 12 None Unremarkable
8 29/M Bike fall 15 15 13
9 25/F 4 Ped/Auto 15 2 14
10 32/M Assault 15 2 17 H, D, S, M
11 23/M Assault 14 30 18 None Two ovoid foci of abnormal T2 hyperintensities in left frontal lobe subcortical white matter with nonspecific etiology
12 23/M Assault 15 30 18 NS, H, D, N, M Unremarkable
13 24/M Assault n/a 30 18 None
14 18/M Ped/Auto 15 15 19 H, D, M
15 19/M Assault 14 30 19 None
16 51/M 5 MVA 14 30 19 NS, H Few punctate foci of abnormal T2 hyperintensities in frontal and parietal lobe subcortical white matter with nonspecific etiology
17 37/M Fall 15 2 20 NS, H, D, N, P Unremarkable
18 51/F Bike fall 14 30 20 NS, H, D, N, P, S, PH Stable right cerebellopontine angle arachnoid cyst
19 36/M Fall 15 <1 23 None Unremarkable
20 35/M Sport collision 15 <1 24
21 28/F 6 Bike/Auto 15 20 29 NS, H, D, N, P, S
22 38/M Fall 15 <1 31 None
23 56/M Assault 15 <1 40 NS, P
24 32/F Fall 15 1 43 NS, D, M
25 44/F Ped/Auto 15 <1 54 D, P, M
26 50/M Fall 15 <1 55 NS, H, D, N, P, S, M, PH

Avg. 33±11 14.7±0.5 12±13 21±14





most to least common: H - headache, NS - neck stiffness, D - dizziness, M -memory deficits, N - nausea, P - photophobia, S - sleep disturbance, PH - paresthesia (hand), V - blurred vision,


Ped/Auto – pedestrian struck by car.


MVA – motor vehicle accident.


Bike/Auto – bicyclist struck by car. Bold: average ± standard deviation.