(A–C) Blood filled vessels in E9.5 Zfp148
gt/gt embryo and yolk sac. (A) Embryo in yolk sac. (B) Primitive vascular plexa in Zfp148
gt/gt yolk sac (arrowheads). (C) Apparent presence of major blood vessels in Zfp148
gt/gt embryo proper (da: dorsal aorta; arrow indicating posterior cardinal vein; arrowhead indicating anterior cardinal vein). (D) Real-time RT-PCR showing relative levels of biomarkers of hematopoietic differentiation. The edges of the boxes show the 25th and 75th percentiles, the central mark is the median, and the whiskers extend to the most extreme data points. (E–H) Blood parameters in peripheral blood from postnatal day 1 pups (P1, left graph) and adult mice (right graph; ages 2-12 months). (E) Hemoglobin, (F) hematocrit and (G) number of platelets in P1 pups; wild type (n = 21), Zfp148
gt/+ (n = 36) and Zfp148
gt/gt (n = 6-7) and adult mice; wild type (n = 19) and Zfp148
gt/gt (n = 15). (H) White blood cells in P1 pups; wild type (n = 7), Zfp148
gt/+ (n = 32) and Zfp148
gt/gt (n = 6). Adult mice; wild type (n = 19) and Zfp148
gt/gt (n = 13). (I) Differential count of blood smears from P1 mice. Percentage of leukocyte populations; monocytes, lymphocytes, segmented granulocytes and stabs in wild type (n = 18), Zfp148
gt/+ (n = 15) and Zfp148
gt/gt (n = 11). Values are expressed as mean ± SEM. Significance levels: *P<0.05, **P<0.01.