Table IV.
Relative expression of 15 Hsa21 gene homologs by qPCR
Gene | Fold Change | Gene | Fold Change |
Adamts1 | 1.6507 (0.1298) | Grik1 | 1.5278 (0.1069) |
Adamts5 | 1.9837 (0.2866) | Itsn1 | 1.3524 (0.1165) |
App | 2.1743 (0.1936) | Kcne2 | 3.1708 (0.4188) |
Cbr3 | 0.6022 (0.0543) | Mrps6 | 1.2899 (0.0833) |
Clic6 | 1.1490 (0.1108) | Olig2 | 0.7288 (0.0866) |
Dyrk1a | 2.1397 (0.1603) | Rcan1 | 3.2163 (0.4548) |
Erg | 0.4453 (0.1057) | Ripk4 | 0.4526 (0.0733) |
Hunk | 1.1758 (0.0590) |
Fold change is represented by the 2-ΔΔCP or the logarithmic change in the CP-value between trisomic and euploid samples where the level of expression of the actin control was subtracted from the level expression of the gene of interest. SEM is listed in parentheses. None of the genes listed above were found to be significantly up or down regulated in our microarray analyses.