Figure 2.
Canopy gross CO2 assimilation rate as a function of irradiance. Data measured with a wheat crop (Evans and Farquhar, 1991) are as follows: leaf area index, 7.1; leaf temperature, 22°C; ambient CO2 partial pressure, 340 µbar. Lines are as follows: 1, maximum photon yield for C3 plants in the absence of photorespiration (0.088 mol of CO2 per mol of PAR photons); 2, maximum photon yield for C4 plants (0.069); 3, photon yield for C3 plants in normal atmosphere (0.058); 4, response curve for gross canopy CO2 assimilation; 5, response curve for a single wheat leaf. Curve parameters are as follows: light-saturated gross CO2 assimilation rate, 135 or 30 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for the canopy and leaf, respectively; Θ (the convexity term), 0.7 using Equation 1a from Ögren and Evans (1993). On the right side, four regions for improvement are indicated: A, reducing photorespiration; B, increasing photosynthetic capacity; C, reducing losses due to non-steady-state conditions and sink limitations; D, increasing the PAR waveband.