Pollen in vitro culture. A, Germination of lily pollen is not affected by inhibition of the oxidative phosphorylation by 20 µm antimycin A (white circles). B, Pollen tube growth almost stops after addition of antimycin A. C, An increase in the ethanol concentration of the germination medium is observed after addition of antimycin A. Antimycin A was dissolved in DMSO and added at 65 min. An equivalent amount of DMSO was added to control experiments (black circles). D, Time scheme of the experimental schedule: pollen grains were suspended in germination medium at time point (t) 0 min, two petri dishes corresponding to 60 mg pollen grains were filtered at the indicated time points, the pollen pellet was frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen, and metabolites were extracted. After 65 min, antimycin A was added to one-half of the pollen cultures. Mean ± sd of four independent experiments.