Figure 3.
HAP13 is essential for vascular development. A and B, Venation patterns of 25-DAG wild-type (A) and hap13-1 (B) leaves. Cot is a representative of cotyledons. Other leaves were representative of first, third, and fifth true leaves. Arrows indicate open ends and arrowheads indicate vascular islands. C and D, TEM of wild-type (C) and hap13-1 (D) leaf vasculature. Asterisks show lignified xylem cells in the wild type. E and F, Transverse sections of wild-type (E) and hap13-1 (F) roots. G, A hand-cut section of a young stem from the wild type. H, Closeup of the section shown in G. I, A hand-cut section of a wild-type young stem. J, Transverse section of a wild-type inflorescence stem. K, A hand-cut section of a young stem from hap13-1. L, Closeup of the section shown in K. M, A hand-cut section of a hap13-1 young stem. N, A transverse section of a hap13-1 inflorescence stem. Bars = 2 mm for A and B, 20 µm for C, D, H to J, and L to N, 2 µm for E and F, and 100 µm for G and K.