Figure 2.
BFA compartments contain BRI1-SERK3 heterooligomers. A, Fluorescence lifetime image of BRI1-GFP labeled with rabbit anti-YFP and goat anti-rabbit-Alexa488. B, Fluorescence lifetime image of double-labeled BRI1-GFP and SERK3-HA with rabbit anti-YFP/goat anti-rabbit-Alexa488 and mouse anti-HA/goat anti-mouse-Alexa568, respectively. FRET-FLIM results from immunolabeled BRI1-GFP and SERK3-HA in roots of 5-d-old Arabidopsis seedlings coexpressing BRI-GFP 1 and SERK3-HA in response to BFA (50 µm BFA, 1 h) are shown. The BRI1-GFP1/SERK3-HA line used here is homozygous for both tagged receptors and has approximately twice the amount of endogenous BRI1 and SERK3 proteins (van Esse et al., 2011). Arrowheads indicate BFA compartments with reduced Alexa488 fluorescence lifetimes. The color bar represents the false color code for Alexa488 fluorescence lifetimes (τ).