Additive effects of gid1 and sly1-2 mutations on plant height, fertility, and associated DELLA protein levels. A, Sixty-five-day-old wild-type (WT) and homozygous mutant plants with and without 100 µm GA4 treatment (every 3 d). B, Vegetative DELLA RGA protein accumulation appeared to depend on the gid1 genotype in protein-blot analysis of 40 µg of total protein extracted from 28-d-old whole plants. Two exposures of the same blot are shown with Ponceau staining as a loading control. Normalized RGA mRNA accumulation based on the mean values from three independent qRT-PCR experiments is plotted on the histogram. Error bars show se. C, Flower morphology at anthesis. D, DELLA RGA and RGL2 protein accumulation in these flowers depended on the presence of GID1 genes. [See online article for color version of this figure.]