Brain regions on the left hemisphere showing main effect of stage displayed at a threshold p < 0.1 FDR corrected for visualization purposes only and projected onto the cortical surface. In red, regions showing an effect of memory retrieval (retrieval > encoding). In blue, regions showing an effect of memory encoding (encoding > retrieval). Line plots reflect the mean activity for each activated region (p < 0.05 FDR corrected), separately plotted for encoding (blue line) and retrieval (orange line). Spider plots reflect the average connectivity profile for each activated region. Note, each spider plot is scaled such that the center reflects the lowest (often negative) value for each region. The statistical significance for each cluster of activity with each intrinsic cortical network is shown in Tables 2. Top left shows activity for the anterior prefrontal cortex, top right ventral precuneus, bottom left posterior parietal cortex and bottom right anterior cingulate cortex / supplemental motor area (ACC/SMA).