Table 3.
Plant growth promoting activities of the P. aeruginosa strain PS1† both in the presence and absence of tebuconazole.
Dose rate (μg l−1) | Phosphate solubilized (μg ml−1) | IAAa (μg ml−1) | Siderophores |
EPSe (μg ml−1) | ||
CASb agar (mm) |
Phenolates (μg ml−1) |
SAc | 2,3-DHBAd | |||||
0 (control) | 345a | 39a | 15a | 41a | 21a | 18b |
100 | 93b | 9b | 14b | 27b | 8bc | 19b |
200 | 25c | 5c | 13b | 23c | 7c | 20b |
300 | 17d | 3d | 12c | 20 | 5d | 23a |
F value | 148.5 | 101.4 | 68.4 | 115.7 | 228.3 | 63.5 |
Values indicate the mean of three replicates. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different within a row or column at p ⩽ 0.05 according to Tukey test.
Indole acetic acid.
Chrome azurol s agar.
Salicylic acid.
2,3-Dihydroxy benzoic acid.
P. aeruginosa strain PS1 also produced hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia at all three concentrations of tebuconzole.