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. 2012 Sep 18;22(6):1161–1175. doi: 10.1007/s11136-012-0252-1

Table 1.

Summary of Existing Guidance on Standards for HRQL Reporting in RCTs

Gill 1994 Staquet 1996 Kong 1997 Revicki 2000 Lee 2000 Sprangers 2002 Movsas 2003 Efficace 2003 Wiklund 2004 Abbott 2005 Revicki 2005 Tanvetyanon 2007 Joly 2007 Street 2009 Temple 2009
Study patient characteristics described Y Y Y
Title-explicit as to the RCT incorporating HRQL Y
HRQL is a stated outcome in abstract Y Y
Introduction includes summary of the previous HRQL research Y
QOL is stated as a outcome/primary or secondary outcome Y Y
Flow diagram provided/subject flow discussed Y Y Y Y
Instrument and admin
Rationale for HRQL instrument provided Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Was the instrument appropriate for the stated study hypothesis? Y Y
Evidence of instrument reliability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Evidence of instrument validity Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Adequacy of domains covered/domains of interest explicit Y Y Y Y Y Y
Instrument administration reported Y Y Y
Instrument responsiveness to change Y Y Y Y Y Y
Copy of instrument included if not published previously Y Y
Citation for HRQL instrument provided Y Y Y Y Y
Analysis and reporting
HRQL hypothesis stated Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Timing of HRQL measurement appropriate for clinical context Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Clinical rationale for sample size Y Y Y Y
Power/sample size calculation Y Y Y Y* Y Y Y Y Y
Multiple QOL items adjustment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Missing data documented Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Reasons for missing data discussed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Statistical approaches taken to dealing with missing data Y Y Y
Baseline QOL status described Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
All HRQL data provided not just the statistically significant data Y Y Y Y Y
Use of appropriate statistical analysis/test of stat. sig. Y Y Y Y Y Y
Post hoc analyses identified as such Y
Survival difference accounted for Y Y
Clinical significance addressed/MID stated Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Generalizability of the results described Y Y
Mode of administration stated/methods of collecting data Y Y Y Y
Blinding of investigators and participants Y Y
Procedures for quality control Y Y Y Y Y Y
Compliance monitoring Y Y Y
Pilot testing Y
Authors provide composite score for quality of life Y
Were patients asked to provide their own global rating for QOL? Y
Was overall quality of life distinguished from HRQOL? Y
Were patients invited to supplement the items in the instrument? Y
Were the items incorporated into the final rating? Y
Were patients asked which items were personally important? Y Y
Were these important ratings incorporated into the final rating? Y
Designated symptom or QOL domain as a primary endpoint Y
Proportion achieving a pre-defined palliative response Y
Estimates of the duration of palliative response Y
Discussion of the limitations of the results Y

* When HRQL primary endpoint