Fig. 3.
Chronic infusion of MSO into the hippocampal formation of rats causes inhibition of GS, and in some cases neuropathological changes that resemble hippocampal sclerosis as reported earlier [17, 80]. a–d: a silver staining technique for labeling degenerating neurons and fiber tracts reveals numerous stained (injured) neurons and fibers preferentially in area CA1 in a rat infused with MSO into the hippocampal formation (b, d) whereas a rat infused with 0.9 % NaCl does not reveal stained (injured) tissue elements (a, c). Magnification: A = B; C = D. Abbreviations: CA1-3 hippocampal subfields Cornu Ammonis 1-3, MSO methionine sulfoximine. (Adapted from [17] and reproduced with permission from Brain/Oxford University Press)