Figure 3.
(a) Measured photoresponsivity of a-Si/MoS2 and a-Si MSM devices for three wavelengths corresponding to blue, green, and red colors; the thickness of a-Si is 100 nm. Photocurrents at the applied voltage of 1 V were taken for calculations. The incident power was 0.4 mW/cm2. (b) photocurrent of the a-Si/MoS2 device as a function of incident power. Applied voltage was 1 V. (c) and (d) transient responses of the two devices for three incident wavelengths. For part (d), the voltage on the a-Si device was increased to obtain photocurrent pulse amplitudes comparable to that of the hybrid device. (e) The close view of two pulses highlighting the residual conductivity of the a-Si device. (f) statistical distribution of the residual conductivity of the a-Si device. (g) response time extraction and fitting with an exponential function. In parts (a) and (b), lines are for the eye guide only.