Table 3.
Rank Order | Subscale | Item | Mean (SD) |
1 | S | There is insufficient time on the job to implement new ideas | 410 (1.20) |
2 | N | The nurse does not see the value of research for practice | 3.98 (1.18) |
3 | S | The facilities are inadequate for implementation | 3.95 (1.14) |
4 | S | The nurse does not have time to read research | 3.88 (1.14) |
5 | N | The nurse is unaware of the research | 3.77 (1.12) |
6 | S | The nurse does not feel she has enough authority to change patient care procedures | 3.74 (1.10) |
7 | S | The nurse feels that the results are not generalizable to his/her own setting | 3.61 (1.11) |
8 | P | Implications for practice are not made clear | 3.50 (1.10) |
9 | S | Administration will not allow implementation | 3.45 (1.20) |
10 | N | There is not a documented need to change practice | 3.34 (1.17) |
25 | N | Research /articles are not published fast enough | 2.93 (1.13) |
26 | R | The amount of research information is overwhelming | 2.92 (1.19) |
27 | R | The literature reports conflicting results | 2.91 (1.08) |
28 | N | The nurse is unwilling to change or try new ideas | 2.89 (1.07) |
29 | N | The nurse see little benefit for him/herself | 2.81 (1.03) |
S: Organisational Characteristics, N: Nurse Characteristics, P: Presentation and Accessibility of Research, R: Quality of Research.