FIG. 7.
Pilot FDP ET-RCL assay results. The pilot assay for testing the MIDp=0.98 of EIAVΔS2 (refer to Fig. 6A for a description of the assay format) was run by two operators; the results are displayed in (A) and (B). Positive control and spike control flasks each received the MIDp=0.98, with the latter also receiving 0.5% FDP (1.8×107 RNA-predicted TU test article vector). The 10 test flasks (A–J) each received 0.5% FDP, and the MIDp=0.98 (3.91 IU) was divided across all flasks (each flask receiving 0.39 IU). Flasks were passaged for ∼5 weeks as an amplification phase and prepassaged samples were taken for PERT analysis. Negative control flasks were included as a baseline for RT-negative samples. Each data marker represents accumulation of RT in cultures from the previous passage point, thus representing steady state RT levels; lines between data points are therefore displayed for clarity purposes.