FIG. 1.
Structural analysis of phosphodegrons 1–3 in the AAV2 capsid. (A), (C), and (E) show phosphodegrons 1, 2, and 3 colored in green, respectively, and corresponding zoomed-in regions of the three phosphodegrons are shown in (B), (D), and (F), respectively. Phosphodegrons in the AAV2 capsid are largely present in the loop regions and are solvent exposed as shown. The phosphorylation and ubiquitination sites in the phosphodegrons are shown as green and blue spheres, respectively. Receptor-binding residues that have also been predicted as ubiquitination sites are shown as purple spheres. The acidic residues in phosphodegrons 1 and 3 and prolines in phosphodegron 2 are colored red whereas the rest of the protein structure is shown in gray. The images were generated with PyMOL software (DeLano, 2002). Color images available online at