The NOP-R agonist SR-8993 (3 mg/kg), when systemically injected, impairs cued-fear memory consolidation but has no effects on anxiety, shock reactivity, or fear acquisition. (A) SR-8993 does not elicit locomotor changes evaluated with the open field (n = 8 mice per group). (B) SR-8993 has no effect on anxiety evaluated by the time spent in the center of the apparatus in the open field (n = 8 mice per group). (C) SR-8993 does not induce changes in pain sensitivity to mild electric footshock evaluated in the startle chamber (n = 8 mice per group). (D) SR-8993 does not alter freezing during cued-fear conditioning but impairs fear memory consolidation when evaluated 48 hours later in the fear expression test (**P < 0.01, two-tailed Student’s t test; n = 8 mice per group). (E) Systemic injection of SR-8993 given immediately after cued-fear conditioning. Upon cue fear expression testing 48 hours later, the immediate post-training SR-8993 impaired fear memory consolidation, as shown by reduced freezing in the fear expression test (*P < 0.05, two-tailed Student’s t test; n = 6 to 7 mice per group).