Western blot analysis of epidermal keratins. (A)
The loss of K10 expression in K10−/−
epidermis was confirmed by Western blotting, and its reduced expression
in heterozygote skin (+/–) was shown. Note a remarkable decrease in K1
in K10−/− pups and a slight decrease in the
skin of heterozygotes. (B) The amount of K5 remained unaltered, whereas
its partner K14 was slightly increased. The amount of the third basal
keratin, K15, was unaltered. Equal loading was verified by quantitative
comparison of Coomassie blue staining. Lanes 1–3, Coomassie
blue–stained polyvinylidene difluoride membrane; lanes 4–6,
corresponding Western blot; M, marker; dots from top to bottom, 66.4,
55.6, and 42.7 kDa.