Immunogold EM revealed the formation of K1/K14
filaments in K10−/− mice. (A–C) IFs in the
granular layer of K10−/− epidermis. (D–F)
Basal–suprabasal transition zone of wild-type epidermis, with the
basal cell at the bottom. Desmosomes mark the level of the cell
membranes, which have been lost upon fixation. (A) Survey of keratin
bundles, which were labeled with both K1 and 14 antibodies. Filaments
that were composed of K1 and 14 were also found attached to desmosomes
(B). (C) Higher magnification of a filament bundle showing that K1 and
14 were in close proximity in the filaments. In
single-antibody–labeling experiments in wild-type skin, K14 was
detected in the basal epidermal layer (D), whereas K1 was exclusively
found in subrabasal cells (E). This was confirmed in a double-labeling
experiment with both antibodies (F). K1, 10-nm gold particles; K14,
5-nm gold particles. Bars: A and D–F, 0.5 μm; B, 0.1 μm; C, 0.24