Table 1.
Phases of Translational Research
Stage of Rehabilitation Research Development |
Correspondence to Pharmaceutical Phased Research Development |
Translational Task and Obstacles |
Idea inception | Phase 09 | Viewing unexpected observations/findings and negative results as opportunity to generate ideas rather than as trivia/research errors is critical to innovative idea generation. |
Natural history and measurement | Contributes to phase I—the underlying recovery trajectory and object of treatment needs to be delineated in order to detect adverse effects and treatment effects | Relationship of treatment mechanism to object of treatment under study must be defined (treatment theory). Relationship of object of treatment and outcome measures must also be clear. |
Proof of concept | Phase I, Phase II | Refinement of treatment theory may radically alter the idea under study. Paradigmatic rigidity (no useful stroke recovery can occur after 6mo) could block further development. |
Evaluate efficacy | Phase III | Define experimental conditions so as to limit variability/ confounds while avoiding type II error and generating feasible protocols for the next study phase. New statistical analytic techniques (modeling) may be highly useful. |
Evaluate effectiveness | Phase IV | Requires rigorous implementation of enablement theory, even when treatment theory has guided process up to this point. |