Fig. 1.
Effect of LTCC activity on EPSPs-1. Pharmacological potentiation of LTCCs unequivocally augments supra-threshold EPSPs, albeit at varying degrees among hippocampal neurons. The effect range of pharmacological up-regulation of LTCCs on spontaneously occurring supra-threshold EPSPs is illustrated in overlays of traces recorded in the presence of BayK (green traces) and isradipine (red traces), respectively, in ascending sequence from a to d. Traces were aligned with respect to the first spike in the EPSP. Overlays on the left show the entire EPSPs (a1–d1); the overlays on the right show the postspike part of the same EPSPs on an expanded time scale (a2–d2). For a better visualization of the non-overshooting part of the events, the recordings in this and all subsequent figures are shown truncated at 0 mV. Y-axes units in this and all subsequent figures are in mV (Color figure online)