Fig. 1.
Droplets deform soft substrates, causing Young’s law to fail. (A) X-ray image of the contact line of a water droplet on a soft, silicone gel substrate. The ridge is pulled up by the droplet surface tension. kPa, and the substrate is 22 μm thick. The droplet radius is ∼1 mm. (B) The equilibrium of a sessile droplet on a soft surface with
and (C) a soft surface with
. (D) Symbols show measured contact angles of glycerol droplets on a silicone gel as a function of droplet radius, R. Data are shown for thin silicone gel layers of h = 3 μm (red) and thicker layers of h = 35, 38 μm (blue). Filled/open points were measured by laser scanning (LS)/white-light optical profilometry (WLP). The large-drop contact angle was measured as
(23). (E) Schematic profile of a droplet on a soft surface of varying thickness, h.