Figure 5.
Voss and Allen (1994) subject #7; example of a factored reflectance fit.(a) Poles and zeros of Γap(s), (b) poles and zeros of Γmp(s), (c) reflectance magnitude, (d) reflectance phase, (e) impedance magnitude, (f) impedance phase. Note that Γmp(s) has no poles or zeros in the positive real s-plane, thus the fit is completely described by 4th quadrant of the s-plane (shown in (b)) without any plotting tricks. All 4 quadrants of the s-plane are shown in plot (a) to allow the reader to view the symmetry of |Γap(s)|. The fit was performed over 0.2 to 6 kHz, yielding Np = 12 and Nz = 12 with a MSE = −35.8 dB.