Figure 2. TCF3/E2A and TRIAP1 control the p21:PUMA expression ratio in diverse cancer cell types.
A. Western blot and Q-RT-PCR assays show that TCF3/E2A functions as a coactivator of p21 expression and a repressor of PUMA expression in HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells and U2OS osteosarcoma cells. See Figure S2 for data on A549 lung carcinoma cells B. TRIAP1 functions as a gene-specific repressor of p21. C,D. Q-RT-PCR analysis showing the effects of TCF3/E2A and TRIAP1 knockdown on diverse p53 target genes. All Q-RT-PCR experiments are expressed as averages of three biological replicates −/+ s.d. See also Figure S2.