Figure 4. Significant deviation of qMRI tissue properties in an elderly subject and an MS patient.
Shown are a FLAIR (A) and T2-weighted image (B) of two axial slices of the head of an elderly subject (female, 72 years old, top two rows) and an MS patient (female, 40 years old, bottom two rows). The color overlay in C corresponds to the normalized difference ΔR1/σ(R1) between the subject and the group of healthy controls on the same slices. Only values higher than a threshold of 2.04are shown. Synthetic T2-weighted images are calculated using the R1, R2 and PD maps and used as background images. Similar for ΔR2/σ(R2) in D and ΔPD/σ(PD) in E. In F the magnitude of the normalized vector sum of ΔR1/σ(R1), ΔR2/σ(R2) and ΔPD/σ(PD) is shown where voxels that exceed a threshold of 5 are indicated in yellow.