A, Control wild-type and IrsLDKO mice (n = 3) were fasted overnight for 16 hours and half of them were fed for 4 hours immediately after the fasting. Pdks gene expression in the liver was analyzed by real-time PCR and data were normalized to an internal control gene — Ppia. B, Western blot analysis of liver lysates from control and knockout mice. C, Body weight measurements in control and knockout mice (n = 6–20). D, Serum triglycerides (TG) were measured in overnight fasted control and knockout mice (n = 6–8). E, Liver TG analysis in control and knockout mice (n = 6–8). Pdk2KO, Pdk2 knockout; Pdk4KO, Pdk4 knockout; IrsLDKO, Irs1/2 liver-specific double knockout. Data are presented as means ± SEM. *, P<0.05 relative to corresponding controls.