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. 2013 Aug 5;8(8):e70367. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070367

Table 1. Details of real-time RT-PCR primers and results of confirmation.

ProbeName Primer(5′-3′) Size (bp) Real-time FCa Microarry FCb Description
CUST_551 FP:agatcgcgttcaaacaacaaRP:atctgccggatatgaaccaa 196 −2.63 −6.84 Expressed protein
CUST_12936 FP:gaacgtgatgctgttgttgcRP:atcctcgacatcccaatcag 192 −2.64 −7.27 Prostatic spermine-binding protein precursor (SBP)
CUST_4819 FP:ttaagcgggatcaatggaagRP:caccacgacgtgttaattgc 210 −2.05 −2.14 Solute carrier family 6 (ko:K05045)
CUST_12988 FP:ctgctgtggagggaatgtttRP:tggaggattccaggtttcag 219 50 12.56 Putative uncharacterized protein C14orf165
CUST_4112 FR:gttattggatttcccgctcaPR:atggcaatgaaagtgcatca 199 3.34 6.34 Cyclin-dependent kinase 6, CDK6
CUST_10350 FR:ggattgattccgccattacPR:gaatggcagtattggttgacg 198 4.75 6.88 Asparagine-rich protein (Ag319) (ARP)
CUST_10723 FR:tgtgccgttattgcgtttagPR:attatcgcttttgccgtcag 178 2.11 4.73 Expressed protein
CUST_4101 FR:atactggtgagcggcctatgPR:gcattcgcaaaccatgtaga 230 3.52 4.88 Iroquois homeobox protein 3, IRX-3
CUST_5523 FR:gcgttcgccaattgaattatPR:tgttgtattgggtggggatt 184 5.2 2.56 Putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit (eIF-3)

Fold change (FC) is the ratio of gene expression in schistosomes from water buffalo compared to those from goats; p<0.05, FDR<0.1;


Mean FC in real-time PCR results for validation.