Figure 1. Expression levels of candidate reference genes in different experimental sets.
Box plot graphs of Cq values for each reference gene tested in all strawberry samples and subsets. Cq values are inversely proportional to the amount of template and are shown as the first and third quartile. Vertical lines indicate the range of values, and median values are indicated by the black lines. Circles indicate outliers. RCF, Ripening-Camarosa-Fruit; FCF, Fungal-Camarosa-Fruit; FCC, Fungal-Camarosa-Crown; FCP, Fungal-Camarosa-Petiole; FAP, Fungal-Andana-Petiole; HCY, Hormone-Camarosa-Young-in-vitro; HCC, Hormone-Chandler-Cellular-suspensions; All, samples from all seven experiments analyzed together.