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. 2013 Aug 5;8(8):e70603. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070603

Table 3. Summary of statistics evaluating stability of gene expression.

Mean b SD CV (%) Slope c Intercept Stability index d Mean b SD CV (%) Slope c Intercept Stability index d
Ripening-Camarosa-Fruit (n = 20) a Fungal infection-Andana-Petiole (n = 28)
* FaRIB413 8,341 0,239 2,860 0,004 8,329 0,011 * FaGAPDH1 26,129 0,632 2,418 0,004 26,143 0,009
* FaCHC1 23,085 0,201 0,869 0,021 23,024 0,018 * FaGAPDH2 18,484 0,374 2,024 0,025 18,585 0,051
* FaTUBβ 22,334 0,359 1,609 0,015 22,289 0,024 * FaACTIN 23,640 0,428 1,812 0,030 23,760 0,054
FaACTIN 23,894 0,309 1,294 0,144 24,326 0,186 * FaEF1α 18,780 0,417 2,219 0,026 18,886 0,059
FaTIM1 22,602 0,359 1,587 0,151 23,054 0,239 * FaMT1 23,992 0,506 2,108 0,028 23,879 0,060
FaMT1 25,622 0,449 1,753 0,143 25,193 0,251 * FaFHA1 24,251 0,570 2,349 0,036 24,107 0,085
FaEF1α 17,406 0,413 2,371 0,161 17,889 0,382 FaTUBβ 21,575 0,374 1,734 0,090 21,216 0,155
FaFHA1 23,258 0,643 2,765 0,204 23,870 0,564 FaCHC1 26,339 0,404 1,536 0,120 26,816 0,184
FaTUBα 22,899 1,174 5,128 0,556 24,567 2,851 FaBZIP1 26,410 0,446 1,688 0,110 25,971 0,185
FaBZIP1 30,089 1,485 4,936 0,607 28,270 2,994 FaTIM1 26,864 0,481 1,790 0,116 26,401 0,207
FaUBQ1 26,677 1,249 4,680 0,812 29,113 3,800 FaUBQ1 27,650 0,642 2,322 0,115 27,085 0,266
FaGAPDH2 17,073 1,071 6,274 0,622 18,939 3,903 FaRIB413 8,790 0,444 5,053 0,061 9,036 0,310
FaGAPDH1 24,080 1,715 7,120 1,115 27,425 7,939 FaTUBα 20,281 0,595 2,931 0,211 19,436 0,620
Fungal infection-Camarosa-Fruit (n = 20) Hormonal treatment-Camarosa-Young in-vitro plant (n = 36)
* FaGAPDH1 23,530 0,316 1,345 0,005 23,545 0,007 * FaGAPDH1 25,817 0,479 1,856 0,024 25,938 0,045
* FaTUBα 21,462 0,322 1,499 0,019 21,518 0,028 * FaUBQ1 28,954 0,518 1,789 0,026 29,085 0,047
* FaUBQ1 25,599 0,405 1,583 0,047 25,458 0,074 * FaGAPDH2 19,183 0,278 1,451 0,038 18,993 0,055
FaGAPDH2 16,274 0,331 2,031 0,062 16,090 0,125 * FaRIB413 8,838 0,523 5,912 0,016 8,760 0,093
FaACTIN 23,539 0,314 1,335 0,136 23,133 0,181 FaCHC1 26,297 0,482 1,832 0,080 25,895 0,147
FaEF1α 16,556 0,250 1,510 0,130 16,166 0,196 FaTUBα 23,058 0,586 2,542 0,093 22,591 0,237
FaTIM1 24,031 0,372 1,549 0,131 23,638 0,203 FaFHA1 25,649 0,615 2,396 0,101 25,145 0,242
FaCHC1 23,929 0,467 1,953 0,121 23,568 0,235 FaEF1α 18,593 0,442 2,375 0,119 17,996 0,284
FaTUBβ 21,668 0,387 1,784 0,133 21,271 0,236 FaMT1 25,669 0,726 2,829 0,165 24,846 0,466
FaBZIP1 27,780 0,478 1,719 0,164 27,288 0,282 FaTIM1 27,336 0,800 2,928 0,176 26,457 0,514
FaFHA1 23,606 0,545 2,308 0,213 22,969 0,490 FaTUBβ 23,573 0,775 3,286 0,218 22,484 0,716
FaRIB413 8,635 0,323 3,736 0,158 8,161 0,590 FaBZIP1 27,459 0,845 3,079 0,262 26,150 0,806
FaMT1 25,910 0,745 2,876 0,425 24,635 1,222 FaACTIN 25,122 0,979 3,899 0,325 23,499 1,265
Fungal infection-Camarosa-Crown (n = 32) Hormonal treatment-Chandler-Cellular suspensions (n = 24)
* FaUBQ1 27,734 0,486 1,752 0,037 27,567 0,065 * FaTIM1 25,850 0,974 3,766 0,003 25,862 0,013
* FaRIB413 7,873 0,241 3,057 0,027 7,752 0,083 * FaGAPDH2 17,889 0,300 1,679 0,013 17,843 0,022
FaGAPDH1 25,569 0,453 1,771 0,064 25,282 0,113 * FaRIB413 8,426 0,299 3,551 0,021 8,498 0,073
FaCHC1 24,988 0,492 1,968 0,067 24,687 0,131 * FaUBQ1 27,222 0,566 2,079 0,039 27,322 0,081
FaEF1α 17,786 0,386 2,173 0,062 17,509 0,134 FaCHC1 24,163 0,427 1,767 0,129 23,712 0,228
FaGAPDH2 19,286 0,352 1,825 0,090 18,880 0,165 FaBZIP1 25,344 0,523 2,063 0,163 25,914 0,336
FaMT1 22,968 0,571 2,486 0,068 22,664 0,168 FaEF1α 16,478 0,413 2,505 0,151 15,950 0,377
FaFHA1 23,875 0,651 2,728 0,062 24,156 0,170 FaTUBα 20,364 0,539 2,649 0,236 19,538 0,625
FaTIM1 25,885 0,813 3,139 0,116 25,363 0,364 FaMT1 24,533 0,550 2,240 0,282 23,545 0,632
FaTUBβ 22,086 0,622 2,818 0,136 21,472 0,384 FaFHA1 23,116 0,612 2,646 0,246 22,256 0,650
FaTUBα 20,298 0,585 2,883 0,136 19,687 0,392 FaACTIN 23,145 0,776 3,352 0,343 21,943 1,151
FaACTIN 24,440 0,563 2,303 0,211 23,493 0,485 FaGAPDH1 20,908 0,836 3,999 0,401 22,313 1,605
FaBZIP1 25,229 0,929 3,682 0,279 23,975 1,026 FaTUBβ 20,592 0,964 4,681 0,436 19,067 2,040
Fungal infection-Camarosa-Petiole (n = 32) All seven experiments (n = 192)
* FaTUBα 20,767 0,423 2,036 0,007 20,737 0,014 * FaACTIN 24,011 0,883 3,676 0,004 23,905 0,015
* FaACTIN 23,676 0,364 1,536 0,013 23,528 0,020 FaRIB413 8,542 0,490 5,736 0,056 8,306 0,323
* FaRIB413 8,816 0,237 2,685 0,027 8,695 0,072 FaTUBβ 22,073 1,067 4,835 0,069 22,252 0,333
* FaBZIP1 24,874 0,620 2,493 0,034 25,025 0,084 FaEF1α 17,716 0,904 5,100 0,082 17,270 0,416
* FaEF1α 17,574 0,437 2,485 0,034 17,727 0,084 FaMT1 24,338 1,399 5,747 0,097 24,857 0,560
FaGAPDH2 18,321 0,357 1,946 0,064 18,611 0,125 FaFHA1 24,140 1,037 4,298 0,144 23,426 0,619
FaMT1 22,583 0,517 2,288 0,065 22,293 0,148 FaTUBα 21,292 1,305 6,131 0,158 21,937 0,970
FaTUBβ 22,009 0,574 2,609 0,100 21,561 0,260 FaGAPDH1 24,722 1,856 7,509 0,157 25,119 1,175
FaCHC1 24,874 0,735 2,954 0,139 25,499 0,411 FaUBQ1 27,492 1,134 4,124 0,295 26,149 1,217
FaUBQ1 27,470 0,766 2,788 0,169 28,246 0,472 FaGAPDH2 18,270 1,063 5,818 0,267 17,007 1,551
FaTIM1 25,223 0,755 2,993 0,193 26,091 0,577 FaCHC1 25,000 1,189 4,756 0,333 23,479 1,583
FaFHA1 24,264 0,774 3,191 0,224 25,270 0,713 FaBZIP1 26,547 1,789 6,741 0,489 28,697 3,297
FaGAPDH1 25,419 1,120 4,405 0,263 26,600 1,156 FaTIM1 25,650 1,591 6,201 0,619 22,923 3,839

Genes are ordered into each experiment analyzed, top to bottom, from those tending to show the highest stability to those showing the lowest, based on the stability index. a) "n" represents the number of individuals analyzed from each experiment, (four data points per sample, two biological and two technical replicates of each). b) Data based on analysis of Cq values. SD, standard deviation. CV, Coeficient of variation. c) Slope of regression of gene means. Intercepts are also given for the estimated regression lines. d) Stability index is the product of CV and slope (multiplication of columns 3 and 4). Transcripts with lower slope are preferred as controls. Asterisks mark the best candidate genes with stability index below 0.0×.