Figure 10. Source of abnormal composition fragments.
The values (in percentage) above the bars were calculated as the total abnormal composition fragments divided by the total fragments of the genomes. C.u. = Campylobacter upsaliensis; C.j. = Campylobacter jejuni; C.g. = Campylobacter gracilis; C.j. ICDCCJ = Campylobacter jejuni ICDCCJ07001; C.j. doylei = Campylobacter jejuni doylei 269.97. Strain names of all the other species with only one strain were neglected for simplicity. “intraspecies” stands for abnormal composition fragments coming from other strains of the same species, intragenus means abnormal composition fragments derived from other species of the same genus and intergenus represents abnormal composition fragments originated from other genus.