Immunofluorescent localization of RNase 9 in human adult epididymis and testis. Matched fluorescent and phase-contrast images of cryosections of epididymis (A–H, J, K) and testis (I, L) are shown, the green fluorescent fluoroscein isothiocyanate (FITC) images are shown in A–C (caput, corpus, cauda), G–I, and the corresponding phase-contrast images are shown in D–F, J–L. G shows no staining image of epididymis probed with immune serum that had been preincubated with recombinant RNase 9, and I and L show cryosections of testis. The images shown are photographed with original magnification × 200 except H and K of epididymis cryosections with magnification × 1 000 (panel H is a magnification of results presented in panel A). Ep, epididymal epithelium; iT, intertubular tissue; Lu, lumen. Bars = 100 μm (except H, K, bars = 500μm.).