Figure 7.
Quantification and spatial distribution of Fgf10creERT2 lineage-traced cells in early postnatal and young adult mice. A, In general, more Xgal+ recombined cells are detected in animals treated with tamoxifen at P28–P32 (a week after weaning) versus adulthood (P53–P83), whether examined after short (24–27 d) or long (39–83 d) survival time points. B, The number of recombined tanycytes is not significantly different in postweaned and adult animals analyzed at short time points. A significant difference emerges with longer time-point analysis. C, There is a dramatic amplification of parenchymally located recombined cells in postweaned (P28–P32) treated animals when compared with adults. D, D', Quantifications under shorter tamoxifen-treatment/survival time periods using R26Tom allele. D, After a 3 d treatment of P28 Fgf10creERT2:R26tomato mice, the vast majority of recombined (Tom+) cells are composed of tanycytes, residing in the ependymal layer. D', Longer treatment/survival of P28-treated animals results in a significant amplification of parenchymally located recombined cells. Number within bars represent the number of animals analyzed per treatment. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.