Figure 3.
Neighbor-joining tree of 18S rDNA sequences obtained from the larvae gut content and the organisms of blast search with the highest homology. The clones are showed as bold and named from the host species and an arbitrary clone number sequenced. The hit blast search clones are designed by their Genbank accession numbers. Species genus abbreviation: Alt, Alternacia; Asc, Ascochloris; Bas, Basidiobolus; Bip, Bipolaris; Bot, Botryococcus; Coc, Cochliobolus; Chl, Chlamydomonas; Chlo, Chlorosarcinopsis; Cha, Characium; Ent, Entophyctis; Hae, Haematococcus; Pac, Pachycladella; Pau, Paulschulzia; Pro, Protosiphon; Pyr, Pyrenophora; Spo, Spongiochloris; Vol, Volvox.