Figure 1. Molecular composition at nodes of Ranvier.
(A) Cartoon illustrating the structures of the myelinated nerve fiber and axonal subdomains: AIS, nodes of Ranvier (N), paranode (PN), and juxtaparanodes (JP). (B) Longitudinal sections of mouse optic nerve section immunostained with antibodies to Nav channels (nodal marker, red), Caspr (paranodal marker, green), and Kv1.2 channels (juxtaparanodal marker, blue). (C) Schematic presentation showing molecular organization at nodes, paranodes, and juxtaparanodes, and proposed three complementary mechanisms for node assembly. Gliomedin is the ECM component in the PNS that interacts with NF186. Paranodal junctions (PJ) restrict the mobility of membrane molecular complexes at nodes or juxtaparanodes. Cytoskeletal scaffolds (CS) further stabilize the Nav channel complex at nodes.