Figure 2.
Longitudinal measurements of HIV RNA (in log10 scale) for the MACS (upper panels) and the WIHS (lower panels). For the purpose of demonstrating the high proportions of left censoring, those measurements with values below LOD have been randomly assigned a value from a uniform distribution between 1 copy/mL and LOD, and plotted with symbols “+”. Those measurements with detected values were plotted using symbols “•”. The vertical bars in the gray-shaded area represent the observed annual proportions of HIV RNA measures below LOD with its point-wise 95% CI. The solid line represents the nonparametric smoothed LOWESS curves for those with detectable values. The dashed line represents lower detections limits (ie, LOD = 50 copies/mL for the MACS; and LOD = 4000, 400, and 80 copies/mL for the WIHS depending on the calendar time of measurements).