Pubertal mammary gland development of cynomolgus macaque fed a high-soy (SOY) or casein-lactalbumin (CL)-based diet. A-C: Pre-menarchal breast (A) composed of mostly ductal structures (immature, transitional, and mature types indicated as arrowheads, thin arrows, and thick arrows, respectively). Immature lobules (▲) were abundant approaching menarche (B) while mature lobules (◆) predominated post-menarche (C) (H&E staining, 10X magnification). D: Immature ducts were the only structures that showed a significant rise prior to menarche. E: There was no significant change in lobular area across pre-menarche. F: The proportion of immature and transitional ducts significantly decreased following menarche. G: The post-menarche breast contained primarily mature lobules. Values are LSM for n=4-12 (CL) or 5-17 (SOY), error bars=SEM. The significant main effects and interactions are indicated in each panel. Asterisk (*) indicates s difference between SOY and CL (P<0.01) by LSM Tukey’s HSD test. Body weight and menstrual cycle stage (post-menarche) were included in the model as covariates.