Figure 4.
Quantification of TEBs and lobular structures in the breast of cynomolgus macaques fed a high-soy (SOY) or casein-lactalbumin (CL) diet across the pubertal transition. A: Whole mount images of the breast (toluidine blue staining) predominated by TEBs (a), small-sized lobule (b), and large-sized lobule (c). B: Before menarche, the lobular number did not differ between diet groups. C: After menarche, the amount of large-sized lobules significantly increased and was higher in the SOY group. Values are LSM for n=4-12 (CL) or 5-17 (SOY), error bars=SEM. The significant main effects are indicated in each panel. Asterisk (*) indicates a difference between SOY and CL (P<0.05) by LSM Tukey’s HSD test. Body weight and menstrual cycle stage (post-menarche) were included in the model as covariates.